
The Lod Foundation was founded in 2008 for the purpose of initiating and promoting projects on behalf of Lod and its residents, to strengthen the city and push it forward.
The members of the foundation are Lod residents, representatives of the different sectors that make up the city and give it its unique character. The foundation operates as a private and independent not-for-profit association, supported solely by contributions, promoting urban processes of significant, long term social change, through partnerships between the local government and the residents, private donors, philanthropic foundations, business organizations, and government ministries.


Initiating and managing educational, community and societal projects.
Developing and encouraging opportunities for education and employment.
Strengthening and developing frameworks and programming for youth.
Integrating businesses in programming for the community.
Strengthening and developing volunteer activity and involvement in the life of the community.
Creating an encounter and dialogue among groups from different sectors.
In Lod, we see the potential for physical development in the center of the country, a model for coexistence, a mosaic of cultures, amidst history, the diversity of the present, filled with a thought for the future.

Projects at the forefront

Friends of School
Adoption and accompaniment of schools in Lod by prestigious business people to promote social, educational, emotionally laden projects for the students' welfare in conjunction with the administration of each participating school. The project is based on a holistic model which sees the school as an educational, treatment and social center.

Cafe and friends
Melodica is an attractively designed space for entertainment, the first of its kind for youth in Lod. It is the result of a joint venture between the Lod Municipality and the Lod Foundation, with a contribution by Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank, Ltd.
Combined with empowerment and content matter, Melodica provides a fun and experiential venue for local youth in the evenings and in their leisure time.
Music-Lod d is a social, musical empowerment project, operating in Lod since 2012.
Our goal is to empower gifted children in music.
The foundation grants generous scholarships to 30 musically talented youth for three years. Program participants perform at municipal events.


The Lod Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit association. The foundation budget is based entirely on the support of civil society - companies and businesses, foundations and private donors. We welcome your support for the foundation's ongoing operations and/or for promoting any of our various projects.
For your convenience, here are a number of ways you can make your donation:

Send a check to
Lod Foundation
P.O. Box 690
Lod 7110603
Send a check or wire transfer or credit card through PEF with a recommendation for use by the Lod Foundation:
PEF Israel Endowment Funds, 630 Third Ave, Ste. 1501, New York, NY 10017, USA.
Clause 46 of the Israeli income tax ordinance allows the Lod Foundation to accept contributions and donations which are tax-deductible for the donor.
Also, U.S. citizens can donate to a nonprofit with a withholding tax deduction in the U.S.
P.E.F. Is the body that issues tax receipts in the United States
Details in the attached link

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."
George Bernard Shaw