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Dekel School

Aside from being the Hebrew word for a date palm, DEKEL is the Hebrew acronym for Coexistence for Peace. Dekel School has 75 students with special needs. Many students are defined as having difficult disabilities, impairments, and autism. The school is for students from first grade through eighth grade. It is a regional school serving the area, with a mixed Jewish and Arab population.

The school principal for the last ten years, Yifat Ehrlich, has a degree in special education and therapy. She leads a wonderful team of therapists and does everything for the children. For many of these children, this school is the only framework for which they leave their homes.

We have asked a potential business partner to renovate and upgrade the school facilities on behalf of the children, to create an environment of pleasant, inviting activity for them, adapted to their motor abilities and enabling programming with challenges adapted to their needs.

הקרן לפיתוח לוד ע"ר 580493856 ת.ד 690 לוד 7110603 | الصندوق لتطوير اللد ج.م ٥٨٠٤٩٣٨٥٦ ص.ب ٦٩٠ اللد  ٧١١٠٦٠٣ | The Lod Foundation A.R. 580493856 PO Box 7110603

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